The solar system was studied in detail in book of Surya Siddhanta and forms the basis of Jyotish or Astrology.
This 3D model shows our sun (Surya), planets & dwarf planets (Graha), asteroids (Upagraha), and comets (Kumuda Ketu, Vara Ketu etc).
Our solar system is located within the Orion Arm of our Galaxy (Mrigshira Nakshatra), which is located about 27,000 light-years away from the Milky Way Galactic Center (Moola Nakshatra / Brahma Nabhi).
All objects here have been modeled to scale using the same NASA data, used by Lagna360 for vedic astrology calculations.
It is fascinating to see, this level of astronomical detail was calculated thousands of years ago, in book of Surya Siddhanta.
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Use your mouse or trackpad to navigate the scene. To zoom, use a scroll motion. When viewing a planet, you can move around a planet using a click + drag motion.
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